2016 Annual Tour of Homes
Come join The Heritage Trust as we celebrate the Annual Tour of Homes with five beautiful historic residences that are sure to capture your attention. The 2016 Annual Tour of Homes returns this year offering tours of five unique properties that exemplify the craftsmanship and grandeur of a time past. The Heritage Trust is proud to host this special event that showcases the amazing architectural assets within our community and share the many wonderful and interesting historic homes and the stories behind them.
The Annual Tour of Homes begins Saturday, September 24th from 10:00 am to 4:00 p.m. and continues Sunday, September 25th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. You can purchase tickets at each of the homes during the tour or at one of the following area locations prior to the tour. Advance tickets will be available for purchase for $15.00 at Weird Harolds, The Iowa Store, True Value, and Hy-Vee on Agency.
We are seeking volunteers to help during the Annual Tour of Homes as both ticket-takers and guides, please contact Lin Parks at 319-750-7577 or email her at lndprks@gmail.com .