Preservation is a Good Thing!
Historic preservation provides many benefits to our community by:
Protecting irreplaceable structures.
Promoting livable neighborhoods.
Increasing property values.
Providing affordable housing.
Conserving natural resources.
Stimulating economic growth.
Fostering pride in the community.
Founded in 1993, the Heritage Trust supports historic preservation in our community through Education, Action, and Advocacy.
The Heritage Trust
P.O. Box 53
Burlington, IA 52601
Spreading the word about preservation is crucial to fostering an appreciation of our wealth of historic architecture. Educational initiatives include:
Historic home seminars for owners wishing to learn more about restoring their historic properties.
Informational programs on topics such as Sears catalogue homes and local architects.
Donation of preservation-related materials to the Burlington Public Library.
The annual Tour of Homes, giving visitors a close-up look at some of Burlington's historic treasures.
The Heritage Trust has taken a lead role in a number of high profile historic preservation activities:
Adaptive reuse of the former St. Patricks Church as Hibernia Hall. Once named one of Iowa's Most Endangered Historic Sites, the building has a new life as a community rental facility.
Financial support of local restoration projects such as the Capitol Theater and Crapo Park's Curly Q slide.
Preservation Station, The Heritage Trust's architectural salvage operation. Historic building materials are rescued and sold for reuse with the program, which has received statewide awards.
We encourage the restoration and reuse of historic buildings through:
Public support for the preservation of local historic structures. Pledging outright grants for high profile preservation cases.